The Malta Midwives Association (MMA) was established in 1974 by the late Miss Mary Vella Bondin, herself a midwife and principal midwifery lecturer.
MMA is a registered voluntary organization and is duly governed by its statute. Its motto is Amor Custos Vitae which translates to Love is the Guardian of Life.
MMA is led by midwives and is the voice of midwifery. It represents the interests of midwives and works towards enhancing the confidence, professional practice and knowledge of midwives for the benefit of childbearing women and their families. MMA strives to promote excellence, innovation and leadership in the care of childbearing women, newborns, and their families. As a professional midwifery body, MMA does its utmost to operate with integrity, accountability and acts in an open and transparent way.
MMA is affiliated to European and international platforms through the European Midwives Association(EMA) and the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM).
The vast majority of midwives in Malta and Gozo are members of MMA.
The Committee Board is comprised of nine (9) elected qualified midwives, who are responsible for the strategic direction of MMA, ensuring that it is properly managed and governed. Each member is elected for three years.
The Committee Board members consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Educational Events Officer, Social Events Officer, and a website co-ordinator. Each role carries its responsibility as stipulated in the MMA statute.
Vice President
Public Relations Officer
Educational Events Officer
Social Events Officer
Website Co-ordinator
Maternal and Neonatal Care in the 21st Century - Conference
3rd and 4th April
Early pregnancy session
Monday 21st April
Childbirth education (bil-Malti)
Hadd 27 ta April u Tlieta 29 ta April
Childbirth education (English)
Thursday 8th May
Refresher Course
Saturday 17th May
First Aid
Friday 15th April
Friday 28th March
Baby Massage
Tuesday 6th May